In a world where logic and pragmatism have taken the centre stage, fine arts enthusiast wield the sword of imagination and creativity. It involves drawing and creative expression of emotions and ideas through different mediums such as painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, and more. They blend colors, give shape to ideas, and capture moments which can evoke nostalgia, encourage introspection, or freeze a moment forever. Fine Arts as an educational degree allows the student to gain knowledge and experience pertaining to application of design, sculpture, pottery, painting and/or any other similar subject for real world usage or collection.
BFA or Bachelors in Fine Arts and MFA or Masters in Bachelor Arts is a creative course providing the student to explore drawing and sketching in multi-dimensional aspect. The course offers specializations in Aesthetics, Applied Art, Ceramic and Moulds, Composition Painting, History of Arts, Illustrations, Portrait Painting, Poster Designing, Printmaking, Photography and Stone and Wood Carving
Beyond the handiwork, the student is also exposed to vocational implications of the subject in Environmental Education, Graphic Designing, Graphic Printmaking, Life study and Press Advertisement.
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